There is never anything fun about taking a short-haul flight at 1.20 in the morning. In my opinion, it is one of the worst times in the day to fly, especially if there is never going to be enough time to sleep! The required time to arrive at the airport effectively prevents an evening nap before the flight. Taking away the time it takes to to taxi, take off and reach cruising altitude, and then start the descent and land from the total flight time, you are left with one to two hours of maximum sleep! It most cases, the restless nodding off and on that is a proxy for sleep does not give anyone the rest and recover s/he needs.
Last night was one of those flights! Even though everything unfolding on or ahead of schedule (we landed 15 minutes early), the best I was able to muster was short catnaps of fifteen minutes here, thirty minutes there. Even looking back, I cannot find many opportunities for sleep that I missed. Taxi to the airport, check. Waiting in area pre-flight, check. Sleeping as soon as I could, check. Being polite when awaken for bathroom breaks by passengers sitting in center seat, check. Shutting my eyes for a few winks as we taxied to the gate, check. Even drifting off in the taxi on the way home, check.
The hot shower and clean sheets of home never seemed to inviting. As simple as it was and is, the feeling that followed was divine! It was as if I was Zion and Divinity had come to take care of the required; “When God rebuilds Zion, when he shows up in all his glory,” (Psalm 102.16)
Nowhere is the work of Divinity more appreciated than in the lives of the tired, oppressed, and hurting. Relative to others, I have no grounds for serious complaint. I can bear witness to the amazing feeling and restoration that follows a peace filled rest when one is beyond tired. Just being was the answer! I appreciate what I often take for granted.