As difficult as life is, when one is open, the places, times, and sources of hope are endless. In the past few days and weeks, I have been caught off guard by moments of hope. Each changed my perspective, almost instantly. Each infused me with a renewed sense of energy. Each removed the haze blocking my sight lines to opportunity.
One was as simple as the response to a Facebook message. In this particular case, a challenge of years ago had long morphed into a problem and has now become potential roadblock. I have tried to solve it on my own. I have asked others discreetly for their opinions and ideas. I have come to realize that I do not know what comes next. With this backdrop, I reached out and directly asked on person for help. Hope arrived with a reply promising feedback and a view within minutes.
Another was as simple as stopping to watch a young child in a stroller. I am not sure what had gone on before I began watching. I do not know what he had for breakfast. There was no past, just the present. In the present, the young toddler was laughing, looking around, and playing with everything that was within his reach. This kid was enjoying life! As I caught his eye, his direct look into mine, reminded me of the innocence where anything can happen. Even as we stared at each other, he started a game of peaking and hiding. It was fun to laugh with him and play along.
The quietness of the night was soothing. As I stopped, I could hear insects and the rustling of small animals in the trees. It was a moment filled with peace and open to anyone willing to take the time to experience. It reminded me of an old observation of what Divinity offers to all; “You water the mountains from your heavenly cisterns; earth is supplied with plenty of water.” (Psalm 104.13)
I am energized in thinking about yesterday’s Hope. Even more, I am looking forward to today’s.