The challenge of doing a push-up or plank move at the gym has come down to a simple move. Can I push myself to confidently use my right reconstructed wrist? I am quite sure that the wrist is fine mechanically. The various bones are in the right place. Nothing is moving in a way it should not. There is a small detail that creates the challenge; scar tissue binding the muscles and everything else wanting to move through the wrist area. I know pushing through the limits will be painful.
When I consider the challenges in accepting lessons, adopting to new ideas, and moving forward, it is clear that the barriers within are as large as any outside. Sometimes I deserve direct credit for the obstacles! On other occasions, my actions trigger secondary reactions which in turn create more actions. The outcome is challenges from all sides! One might assume that those on our side would always try to mitigate things, but even trusted allies often take actions that in the short term makes things more challenging.
Every generations thinks that her/his challenges are the worst ever. As I consider the past, I see today’s story repeated across every generation. In, the one most trusted “turned the Egyptians against his people; they abused and cheated God’s servants.” (Psalm 105.25) In the greater story good things emerged, but for generations it was tough.
As I talk to myself, I hear the following.
Reach, pull, and push. Life does not come with guarantees. There are no promises that any moment will be without pain. Life calls us to action. We can be the difference for ourselves and others.
Embrace life and everything that comes with it. Fighting the pain will not change it. Using it to motivate, inform, and guide can help one achieve what doubts suggest is impossible.
See barriers and obstacles as markers and signposts. In and of themselves they are neither bad or good. They can be used to strengthen and build. They are markets in the mirror, reminding one of what is possible.