15 August 2016
I still remember the first experience of pulling a thread through a piece of cloth. I was 10 and my grandmother was teaching me how to mend my clothes with a pedal-powered sewing machine. Part of the process included learning how to cut the cloth to cover the holes in my jeans. As we used different types of scissors, straight as well as pinking shears, I was fascinated with the role of pinking shears.
In this setting, grandmothers suggested that I needed to pull a thread hanging from one of the experimental patches I had just cut. In hindsight, it was helpful that it was a small piece of cloth and a loose weave. The impact was magical. A gentle pull and everything began to unravel! With the first thrill, I had to pull a 2nd and then a third! Soon there was nothing left of the cloth. Everything started with my cut and the first action.
There are times that I think nothing has changed. Even though the setting is different, corporate life, start-ups, and even sports, one move followed by another leads to unintended consequences. As innocent as my initial decision might be, so much follows that I did not imagine or anticipate! On one hand, it is funny to see. On another, it triggers a helpful reminder as a start a new day.
Actions have consequences. Some are intended and anticipated. On other occasions, the results are a surprise; unintended and unexpected.
When one looks at the actions of others, it does not always follow that one knows if the other knew what was going to happen. Even when it seems obvious, like the story where one “gave the word and flies swarmed, gnats filled the air,” (Psalm 105.31) an element of uncertainty exists.
Giving others the same benefits of the doubt that one needs with one’s own actions is a priceless gift. This gift opens doors to new possibilities and creates hope. It is an important thread that runs through our actions and relationships.
Be careful with threads; they can unravel everything.