In the age with so much information, one often struggles to see and handle the options at hand. A rule of thumb is that if you do not have at least three options, find the third! I have discovered that in seeking the third, I often find the fourth, and fifth as well.
There is an obvious challenge that follows with endless options. On what basis does one choose one or two?
As I watched Formula 1 teams pick and choose their set-ups, tactics, and then reassess their choices, I was reminded that even when everyone works together, the choice at hand may or may not be obvious! At a certain stage, the choice of tires (each with a unique mix of grip versus how long it will last) was relatively simple but even then not always. I hope it is easier on the inside than it is out, however the questions that remain from the observation have stayed with me.
Do I see all the possibilities around me? Even before I begin to answer the question, I find myself smiling in the mirror – am I even looking? It is an ironic question. There is so much more that I can see with the help of others. There are more choices at hand than I am considering.
Will I look beyond the immediate and consider the tradeoffs? What can look good in the moment at hand may not be as attractive tomorrow. Do I want to made a decision on my own or will I use the trusted insights of others and the standard of truth? In an old story, one group “they traded the Glory for a cheap piece of sculpture – a grass-chewing bull!” (Psalm 106.20) To those involved, I am sure it made sense in the moment. In hindsight, not so much.
Can I act with a willingness to learn with what follows? Action is at the center of every moment we have, even if it a decision to wait in silent stillness. Tradeoffs are gifts to our minds, calling them to use.