Miracles have a natural link to something beyond one’s self, often associated with the deity of one’s faith system. In a discussion of achievements and milestones, I found myself considering the miracles in my life; the exceptional products and achievements, each an outstanding example of what can happen when individuals collaborate with each other. Was divinity involved? If one accepts the reality that divinity lives within our hearts, then yes!
I look back and wonder if more than a few milestones are fiction. Given the improbability of the outcome, the effort was an amazing miracle. Even now, I cannot believe they are true. Did we accomplish what we accomplished in 43 days? Were our insights and actions a decade plus ahead of their time? Facts show that the impossible was possible! Given the past, what about the future?
Miracles are part of the description of an outcome, yet they are always the result of many steps. Achievements, events, and developments take work, often the hands of many. Even as I see miracles through the eyes of those benefiting the outcome, I realize the story of a miracle is often found in the actions taken by many in concert with another.
Miracles are like chapter titles. While it can be said that “His miracles are his memorial – This God of Grace, this God of Love,” (Psalm 111.04) we would do well to read the words that tell the greater story.
Miracles are often relegated to the hands of the gods. It is easy to forget that we are the living eyes, ears, hands, feet, and heart of divinity. Individuals see our gods through our actions. We are, at times, gods of healing as well as destruction, gods that lift everyone up as well as gods that put others down.
I am thankful for the miracles in my life. They have been told by individuals gifting me with action, belief, collaboration, and a willingness to act for the greater good.
As I think of my miracles, I see the faces of caring individuals; each a miracle worker.