I have reflected, written, and spoken about the lessons that I would gift to someone just starting on their career as well as to anyone looking to improve it. At the top of my list is a lesson I am continue to learn in different ways. With the benefit of time and experience, the role listening and embracing the positive truth one hears is the singular most important thing I can share with anyone.
As I read Kevin’s, a linkedin connection, advice to check my ego and do work, to be wise and earn respect, I was remembered that embedded in checking my ego was opening myself up to the value found in the words, actions, and relationship with others! Others know what I do not. Others can see what I am unable to see. At my limits, others can help.
In the warmth of a tropical morning, I see the way my ego has played out with a regret that only comes with hindsight. Lost opportunities, choices I wish were different, and the price paid by others for my choices are just the beginning! As challenging as see this view can be, the more difficult question one must wrestle with is the moment at hand; what will I do that will be different?
Listening starts with the premise that being open to Wisdom’s voices in all its forms as a top priority can be a way of living. In the moment, the story is never totally about me, it is always a larger story that includes us. We are in this together. The larger voice is a starting point for my choice and ultimately my accountability.
Listening value is found in the actions of our lives. A Wisdom voice left us with a simple prayer; “Be blessed, God; train me in your ways of wise living.” (Psalm 119.12) As challenging as life can be, Wisdom and Hope are always nearby. Each is a source of light in the darkness. Each is available to all.
Listening, lessons and growth; you and I can be the difference.