With experience leading to far too many gray hairs, I have come to appreciate the depth certain words carry. I willingly admit that I did not think much of “positivity” when I was young. My standing excuse is one of youthful exuberance and excitement. It was an era where I was confident that I could do anything I set my mind on! No challenge was too great. Physically, I was willing to take on the impossible. Mentally, my confidence was sharp, untouched by the challenges and experiences which only come with time.
As I work to realize a new dream, I find myself filled with positivity. I am energized by the quest and the people who are part of it. The word captures far more than I understood in my youth. Positivity includes the following.
Passionate conviction, belief, and commitment. As I start each day, I have rediscovered a clear calling of purpose which demands I am fully engaged – heart, mind, and spirit. I have heard Life’s call to action. It relentlessly pulls at the living fibers of my being – energizing, encouraging, and healing where needed.
An awareness from time and experience of the presence of those who would challenge and block the birth of the dream, no matter what I might say or do. They appear in many forms, but their touch is anything but positive.
Positivity will lead to great celebrations but will only come after many battles are waged and settled.
I wish it would be a smooth walk from here to there. In my youth, my premise would start with this point. Today I find myself laying out a different gauntlet; “Friendly insiders, get along! Hostile outsiders, keep your distance!” (Psalm 122.7). Those onside, time to light the fires! Those opposed, be prepared because we are on the move.
As the morning marine fog begins to lighted up, I imagine the challenges and opportunities to come. I am encouraged by the positivity Life offers. Today offers each unique windows where one can act. Each is a gift of time, motive, and opportunity.