A cliff of any size can be the factor which leads to severe injury, even death, if one falls off its ledge. While the probability goes up with height and the roughness of the bottom of the cliff, at any size it presents a danger to anyone unprepared to land safely.
As simple as this observation is, obvious to many, forgotten by some, metaphorically, I find myself in mini debates about the size of the cliffs in my life versus the size of cliffs in others. Some of the debates mask themselves as conversation. Whatever label we assign to the banter, the simple belief which I find myself holding is that my dangers and threats are bigger and more severe than anyone else I know.
Life responds.
First, there is no debate. In its place is an invitation to see, really see into the lives of others. As I compassionate see and understand the lives of others, even and especially those close to me, I find myself looking at the cliffs in my life differently. The difficulties, challenges, and attacks do not go away. Instead, I see each through a different framework and in a broader context.
Second, without the debate, our invitations to see also lead to an opportunity to partner with hope. As high and dangerous as the cliffs are in your life or mine, we are always within reach of making a difference to the lives of others. A smile to one struggling in the moment, helps. A call to a friend can reshape their view of their moment. Sometimes the offer of being present and available is exactly what s/he needs.
Third, the awareness and engagement in my community gives me part of the larger story. In every chapter there are threats of being “swept away by the flood of rage, drowned in the torrent;” (Psalm 124.4) if we keep reading, we find we are always in life together.
My heart is challenged. In today’s now is our opportunity to see, really see, with confidence that others, including God, are with us.