The Oxford English Dictionary describes “awe” a noun meaning “as a feeling of reverential respect mixed with fear or wonder”. When I close my eyes and think of “awe”, I find myself filled with peace, astonishment, and a still heart. The images in my mind range from nature scenes to considering the results of humanity’s work and relationship experiences.
A feeling of awe has lingered for a few days after spending an evening alone listening to vintage vinyl. There were no feelings of melancholy or distress going into the evening. Circumstances has resulted in an evening where I had time for whatever I might choose. On this occasion, it was an evening listening to an electric mix of Johnny Cash’s last recording along with vintage blues originally recorded in the 40’s and 50’s.
I found myself listening to life’s whispers. Each overwhelmed my heart with wonderful reminders through the music and memories.
Always remember moments where you experience love. Each is a precious pearl which carries an ability to lead us to renewal and inspiration. I am thankful for the individuals in my life who have shared their love. Their expressions and acts of kindness are inspiration and light which continue to burn bright.
Treasure the times of wonder. As I think of these moments, the other word which stays with me is enlightenment. If one pauses in living and reliving these times, insights, lessons, and discovery emerge. They have led me to contemplate life’s mortality and in turn inspire me to living fully in the moment I have. They have humbled me and returned me to a place of dialogue with divinity. They have even triggered inspiration and innovative thought.
Enjoy moments where you have no idea what, how, or even why things are happening around you. In these times, focus on soaking it all in! Watch and listen to remember. Let every sense experience bury itself within your soul.
Be part of the Psalm; “All you who fear God, how blessed you are! how happily you walk on his smooth straight road!” (Psalm 128.1)