My morning meet-up location was my favorite Dubai micro-roaster. Located in the middle of Dubai’s industrial area, the warehouse setting with a ’63 Chevy convertible inside, roasts coffee is 7-kg batches (approximately 15#s). It is a nice setting for a meeting and, if you a purchasing a bag of coffee, a coffee of your choice on the house.
As we finished, I went looking for my kilo bag. I was not sure which variety and farm to go with. The barista guided my choice and selected the freshest bag. With a recent roast in hand, my one last task tapping my card at the register.
Unusually, the devices were acting up. There was a long pause and time of waiting. We smiled patiently at each other, hoping the machine would work.
“Can you do me a favor? I knew you are a regular. Can you write your name and number in this notebook? If we need your assistance, I will give you a call. In advance, my apologies!”
I could not help but smile. “Happy to help. Let me know if there is anything you need.”
As I drove home, I reflected on the request. There are several occasions where I do my part and then the ask is to wait and see what the others will do. At times, one wonders what is going on, if anything. Even normally patient individuals make note of the space; “I pray to God – my life a prayer – and wait for what he’ll say and do.” (Psalm 130.5). In the space which follows, life wisdom suggests the following.
Get on with living. We are called to be fully and completely engaged in life. Intentional and purposeful can define each moment. Even in our quiet stillness can be a response to our calling.
Walk knowing one will experience their response in the fullness of time. In my case, the phone chirped with a notice the payment had gone through. In my alertness, I realized God was moving in ways I often do not notice. Waiting has its rewards.