An obscure memory is reappeared so many times, I now describe it as pivotal. It occurred while I was on a semi-holiday to help my Aunt and Uncle celebrate a 50-year anniversary with a community in northeast India
In the holiday experience, I discovered how every song note is relevant. When one ignores or glosses over the details just before the end, one risks missing the full story. I still catch myself falling into this trap. It is as if I am reading a Psalm, only to miss a reveal towards the end; “Then he turned their land over to Israel, a gift of good land to his people.” (Psalm 135.12)
The holiday ended with the surprise note. It was story I thought I had read, understood, and was simply living out. The time in Imphal had gone well. Reconnecting with friends and family, enjoying meals together, and taking time to rediscover the city formed the key story line. Being helpful to those involved was a natural and seamless part of every day. Towards the end, we were getting ready to carry the program materials to the big finale. As I took a quick read, in shock I found myself reading my name. This was not in the story!
“Uncle, I am not sure why, but I see my name in this program. Did I miss a conversation?”
“No, no. I put you on the speakers list.”
“Did you ask me or tell me about this?”
“No, but I am sure you will do a great job!”
I soon discovered I was scheduled to speak to 2,000+ people for 90 minutes in 36 hours. To make things even better, a topic and Biblical passage had been assigned to me.
As I read the passage, I found myself holding the ending notes, seeing something I had always missed. After lots of noise and special effects in the heaven, the end note started with a simple opening to larger story.
“Meanwhile, the saints stand passionately patient…” (Revelation 14.12)
A story is never complete without the ending notes.