A chat between friends led to questions and a reminder I want to hold onto.
“Good morning, sunrise video from this morning with a plane flying by the sun.”
“Fun! I can imagine the soundtrack which goes with it.”
“Good idea!”
How small or trivial does the observation or insight need to be that it is not worth sharing with someone you care about? Who makes the call, the person with the insight or the individual gifted with the insight?
I tend to filter my remarks, should I? If I use filters, what would they be?
There are limits to what I see. With emotional filters and bias, I only see what I see. When someone gifts me with more, I see more with clarity. The reminder I am holding close to my heart is this, share.
Share using the filter of care, kindness, and beauty. We have enough darkness in our lives. Show me the beauty I may not have seen. Point out the examples of kindness hidden within the scene. Celebrate the beauty openly and without reservation.
Share without reservation or demand. Sharing is a gift that is best delivered without strings or obligations. When one releases a gift, delivered with lightness and love, one gives permission to another to treasure, enjoy, and use it as it fits. Sharing without a demanded response, opens the door to an embrace from the receiver’s heart. The freedom in the deliver creates the potential of being freely used without reservations or encumbrances and, in time, something the receive will reimagine and gift to others.
Sharing knowing that one is never fully aware of the value it may or may not have to the receiver. A friend always asks me a question I have never considered. As trivial as the question might be, to me, it is priceless.
With this reminder, the psalmist’s observation is received with thankful heart. “God, your name is eternal, God, you’ll never be out-of-date.” (Psalm 135.13). It may seem obvious, yet, for me, it is a priceless observation which arrived just when needed.