Some facts are often seen and held at a distance. The passing of a close, trusted friend a year ago is something I still struggle with. Waking up to learn that another trusted colleague had passed makes today’s dawn seem like a sunset wrestling with hope, strength, and courage as it leaves. There are reasons for hope, yet I find myself whispering with a child’s voice, not yet God, please not yet.
Life relentlessly continues, seemingly oblivious to our pain, uncertainty, and fears. To myself, as well as anyone caught in a dark moment like this, let me echo the reminders which have been with me since I was very young.
Live well. Living well is more than living full on the edge. Living well comes in being intentional in every moment. Seize each that comes. Engage. Be intentional. As difficult, challenging, and painful at things might seem, reach for compassion, kindness, and love with every choice, decision, and action. Life is fragile. It is full of risks and yes, bad things happen to good people. Focusing on the negative is a red herring. Follow the lead of the old Roman poet and make the most of the moment at hand.
When you fail, muster everything within and without to stand-up, learn, and take a step forward. It is never of question of “if”, you and I have and will continue to fail. It is easy to blame others. It is natural to be angry. The opportunity in failure is to take another positive step forward.
Celebrate family and friends. In celebration one discovers life’s value. My advice is to celebrate as if your life depends on it because it does! Take time to celebrate the wonders, beauty, and joys of life – relationships, communities, and creation. It is time to repeat the psalm with everything one has, “Family of Israel, bless God! Family of Aaron, bless God!” (Psalm 135.19)
Even as I whisper, “not yet”, I hear the call to be for others what these two individuals were to me – trusted, kind, and compassionate friends.