Life’s reality of how we look at the same event differently is well documented. Each witness often shares their story of an event with dramatically different details. Although their intent is the same, what emerges to the listener is truth. What is it?
Uncertainty in knowing the facts, understanding the situation, and knowing the options plagues everyone. When someone is extremely certain, I naturally wonder why. When someone has a view which also contains unknowns and to be discovered, I want to know more.
The combination of uncertainty and differing views is a lesson I am revisiting. The punch line I keep coming back to is a direct one. With your view, I see more clearly. When I take time to understand your perspective, the perspective I hold close to my heart sharpens and takes on a more definitive shape. Even when we disagree, it is your insights which give me what I otherwise would be missing. If your last name was Levi, I would be singing the psalm, “Family of Levi, bless God! You who fear God, bless God!” (Psalm 135.20)
My view is informed by the way I see and understand life. The construct of experiences, my framework of seeing has been built through my experiences and the values I have adopted. As strong as this might be, it is never all encompassing. When I muster the courage to add your view to mine, I am adding your experiences, lessons, and insights to what I have not seen.
Viewpoints inform my pending decision in the moment. In addition to the richness of your view, you see alternatives I do not! A recent culture and language challenge, open my eyes to the opportunity to enhance my innovation proposal. The consequence was simplicity and robustness, all because we successfully struggled through our differences.
Trust begats trust. In trusting the journey with and beside another, I am fortified. I have the strength and resilience to wrestle with the demons within. I am filled with renewed courage and hope. Trust comes through relationships of kindness, caring, and love.