In wrestling with options, alternatives, and uncertainty, I find myself open to the lessons Life and Divinity have given me on how to accomplish what is needed. The one advantage is that I know why it needs to be done. There are no doubts or uncertainties about the need. Even those who are struggling to see what could be different know things need, must change. So far, the lessons include the following.
Regardless of one view of where things are, good, bad, ok, problematic, or great, the reminder lesson lies in the opportunity for it to be better. The lesson reminders focus on belief and awareness. I can be a better man if I am willing to start at the center and take steps in learning, growing, and ultimately moving towards being better than I am today. Life can improve. In responding with action, I unless the potential in our community for something better.
Not everyone is on side with change for the better. Some believe only one can win. Others believe the situation is doomed. The lesson of letting go of what it not yours and focusing in on what is yours is still relevant. Embrace the psalmist’s prayer, “God, keep me out of the clutch of these wicked ones, protect me from these vicious people.” (Psalm 140.04) Focus on the actions and choices to be taken now to achieve the goal. Distraction will never help move anything in a better direction. Courage, discipline, and fortitude will.
Remembering how life is all about community and relationship is critical. Going it alone will exhaust one’s abilities and strength without reaching the goal. Lesson reminders are many. Ask and accept help. Working with and through those around you. Take time to care for soul opens one’s heart to the possibilities found in being in relationship with others, including divinity.
I have not found a strict formula for how to be a better man or make the world a better place. The lesson fundamentals remain; focus on my decisions and remain in relationship. Ingredients for a better tomorrow.