Somewhere between the ages of three and thirteen the insecurity of a young child morphs into a no-boundaries and no-limits confidence. I give parents, especially mothers, credit for being catalysts in the transformation. It is exciting to watch and listen to the individual who begins to recognize the person emerging and embraces it with all the uncertainty, innocence, and yet confidence which comes with the journey.
I have been recently reminded of the second transformation which follows for many. In attempting to reach impossible dreams, being the best at one’s sport, excelling in ways few imagine, leaders are born. Great leaders embrace two interrelated realities.
Everyone has at least one gap in one’s life, if not many. Everyone is stronger when they reach for great goals with others at their side, sharing the load, working and celebrating as one.
Understanding how these truths work in my life came through good as well as harsh Life lessons. Even as I embraced each, thinking I had incorporated them into my life, I find myself coming back to refresher lesson reminders.
One is stronger when one knows one’s strengths and limitations. It may seem counter-intuitive, and yet we are stronger when we know with our heart and mind that we cannot do it by ourselves. Even in extreme situations, where we are isolated and beyond the physical reach of others, in sharing a spirit connection we are infused with strength, new insights, and courage. At times, we need others to do what we cannot. This may be an action we control, “Post a guard at my mouth, God, set a watch at the door of my lips,” (Psalm 141.3) or something beyond our reach.
Working with and for each other will lead to a better outcome. The journey and the way we pursue it is the heart of living, not the milestones we mark along the way. With proof stories across history, as we lift each other up, we achieve more.
As easy as this sounds, it is hard. May you and I muster the courage and resolve required.