Signs of hope are everywhere the past few days, especially if one counts the number of strollers and young kids smiling, laughing, and enjoying life. I have been struck by cries of the smallest ones, of it better said, the lack of any. As the number of strollers increased, I expected a trailing indicator of dramas, distressed parents, and cries of lament. Instead, I discovered myself bathed in sounds of laughter, kids playing in public fountains, and mothers finding a balance of proactive attention enjoying the moment at hand.
From the exceptions, I know this is not the norm. I suspect that a week filled with amazing weather composed of sunny days, cool winds, and wispy clouds was a perfect response to the dramas of flooding rains and overcast skies which dominated the week before.
I find myself admiring and learning from the honesty lived out by children.
At all times, honesty is the starting point. Happiness is loud and often filled with movement. It is out on display for any and every individual to notice and embrace. Willing or not, I got wet sitting near the fountain. `I am not sure I was thinking about it when I sat down. I know I left with a smile and a lighter heart. Equally, when life is going the wrong direction, candor is played out as if the kids were taking the psalmist prayer to a whole new level – “I cry out loudly to God, loudly I plead with God for mercy.” (Psalm 142.1)
Life is lived at full speed or full stop, rarely in between. Even when running is not involved, one sees young eyes alert, soaking in the observations, experiencing life and drawing conclusions. When things reach a climax, exhaustion and sleep quickly follow. The fun sight of parents enjoying a coffee and light meal with kids sound asleep at their side in the middle of the afternoon invoked memories as well as new lessons.
I am reminded and inspired. I have caught a glimpse of the children who are always in my heart.