Every morning, an air plant greets me when I walk into the living room. The sight and experience of seeing it thrive is a reminder of how it is realising its potential. This plant is an example of being what it is. Without the surroundings other plants require, this plant thrives. I may not fully understand why. I do know that when I look openly, without bias or reservation, I see the beauty and wonder representing what is within.
I consider this plant in the light of my morning meditation, “Refusing to know God, they soon didn’t know how to be human either – women didn’t know how to be women, men didn’t know how to be men.” (Romans 1.26). I know these are modern words intended to reflect the original writer’s letter. It is too easy to read meaning into the words, instead of letting Life use them for guiding one’s journey. As I let go and listen, Whisper lessons emerge for me in my journey.
You and I have unique lives. We are not one of a kind, every child carries his or her own story with them. No two are exactly alike, even if they share parents, family, and all the details of their childhood. It is in unconditionally seeing each other as a child of Divinity that I begin to understand the family I am a part of.
You and I share so much and yet how we live this out is, at one point or another, very different. My taste for food is my own. My preferences, the type of coffee bean, or how I like my coffee prepared, is a choice I am free to make. Fashion, colours, textures, the list is endless. Each selection a result of how I hold and exercise Divine-given freedom.
In all our differences, there are threads which bind us together. Needs, wants, fears, and joy. Being loved. Being part of a community and something greater. As I realise who I am and love who you are, everything is possible. Hope lives in this moment.