The experience of a wonderful brunch with friends still lingers. Much to our surprise, a French band gave us a new music experience. Even now, the music and joy of that afternoon linger in my mind. As I start a new day, I find myself considering the impact when I put insights and the new learnings that follow to work. I am beginning to understand and appreciate that the process of growing as a person is, for me, a personal just cause that never ends. As I apply the past life lessons to today, I realise it is equally important to understand what new music means to me.
Insights are, in themselves, neither good nor bad. Some of my insights create an awareness of the darkness within me. Other insights point me towards hope and the possibility of exercising freedom to make the world a better place for myself and those around me. As life’s whispers reveal new insights, I am learning to slow down, listen, and hear with my heart, soul, and mind. When I do this, awareness, understanding, and an opportunity to grow always follow.
In freedom, I choose what I will do with the new music in my life. Others may share with enthusiasm; however, I make the decision of what and how I will use what I receive! What seems right for another may not be what I need today. I have come to value intentional listening. It is in being willing to hear, experience, and grow, that life can give me the greatest measure of wisdom and love.
Hearing new music does not mean I will fully understand and appreciate what it says. There is so much to learn. I love when I see changes in myself and others. In each situation, I find myself echoing old words, “Thank God you’ve started listening to a new master, one whose commands set you free to live openly in his freedom!” (Romans 6.17, 18)I know the new music in my life sets me free. Today, I will carry it into action.