I know a crosswalk is safe, especially in the Emirates. I also know that a crosswalk’s safe designation depends on the respect everyone gives to it. With one person’s action, intentional or inadvertent, what could be safe is not. As I stopped, first looking in all directions for those who may not be paying attention, before crossing on the green walk, I found myself listening to Life’s reminders.
The themes of the evening can be summarised along the following lines. Each construction of safety comes with premises and assumptions. In wisdom, one always corroborates the premises and assumptions as one embraces the good.
Understanding and affirming the premises of safety is a statement of informed trust. With a crossing, I silently looked in both directions. I could see alert drivers slowing down. I looked with thankfulness as drivers patiently waited for their signal to turn. Extend the model of informed trust to health, relationships, and yes, even one’s connection with Divinity. In each, I have found gems mixed with falsehoods.
Corroboration is an expression of trust. I trust the truth of what I hear and see enough to authenticate it in my life. I heard the old words and put them to use; “So while there has never been any question about your honesty in these matters – I couldn’t be more proud of you! – I want you also to be smart, making sure every “good” thing is the real thing. Don’t be gullible in regard to smooth-talking evil.” (Romans 16.19). I have taken the best I have been given and validated through my heart and mind. I know it is good.
One’s experience is richer with the validation and authentication others add to it. Inviting one into something new is an opportunity to gift them with a new vision. Each act of corroboration brings the giver and receiver closer together as they share the truths of care, kindness, and safety. Each is an expression of love that is nurtured with our words and actions.
Today, my steps will corroborate. May yours do the same.