The chains moving with the movement of air caught my eye over my shoulder. In context, it was an unusual art piece. My initial reaction was one of surprise, almost shock. It was as if the fish was staring at me, and I had nowhere to hide. As my emotions settled, I found myself in a conversation and yet distracted, as life chose that moment to share the lessons I find myself holding as a new day begins.
Barriers and boundaries are everywhere. At times, I feel surrounded, trapped, and cornered. It is like being in a cage where I can only see the fences that limit my movement. The air where I was sitting stirred the chains, breaking the barrier with absolute silence. What was initially seen as a wall was anything but. The very things that block us often inform us in ways we otherwise would miss. In the realisation, I could hear an author’s words from old; “God means what he says. What he says goes. His powerful Word is sharp as a surgeon’s scalpel, cutting through everything, whether doubt or defense, laying us open to listen and obey.” (Hebrews 4.12)
In every moment, I have the freedom to choose. Barriers can be broken, and boundaries overstepped. The point is not about how large or difficult the walls are. What can seem to be an obstacle can also inform, mislead, and even guide. In seeking to understand the moment, the context one finds oneself in, we have a window through which the only limitations are the ones we give ourselves. Even as I realise how large these can be, I also see how courage and inner strength can equip me to open the door and take a step forward.
It is my choice of where I move. The fish was visually trapped in the chains. Experience reminds me that fortune favours the bold, mountains can be climbed, and we can make a difference. In this moment, care, kindness, love, and compassion fuel my heart and soul. Today is what we have. Carpe diem!