The tyres were years overdue for replacement. Mid-2022 inspection notes suggested that action be taken. In hindsight, I assume the risk was noted and flagged for review at a future date. When unexpected events unfolded, the note and planned action were lost. I knew it was time to act with freezing weather on the horizon. I was confident everything would be okay with the four new tyres balanced and mounted.
A warning light for a tyre with low pressure challenged my confidence two days later. I blissfully assumed the cold had reduced the pressure in a type. A week later, the same tyre warning appeared. Something was wrong with the right rear tyre. My first reaction was that this was my fault, something carelessly I had done. As I struggled to overcome the frustration at whatever I had done, I returned to the shop asking for their assistance.
Two hours later, it was sorted. A defective valve stem was identified and replaced. I reflect on the angst, knowing that restoration and recreation are part of life. The whispers did not stop there.
Life is a journey with opportunities. At our best and worst, we walk with the ability to learn and grow, to become more than what we are. One might think everything is perfect. Life reminds me that there are signs, sometimes warning and occasionally simply indicating that there is more. When I realise that each is a sign that I am loved, my view begins to expand. One writer observed that “It’s the child he loves that he disciplines; the child he embraces, he also corrects.” (Hebrews 12.6). Every moment is an opportunity.
Growth is a gift. I can imagine the frustration of living with a tyre that may go flat without notice or warning. With the alert, I could do something with what I knew. Every moment is an opportunity to take our experience and do something with it. What follows will be the creation of our response and willingness to act.
Each fault and indicator is an opportunity for recreation and restoration.