The simple red and white label on the paper bag was openly direct. I did not read it as a proclamation. I did see it as a statement of fact. The company’s mission, purpose, and intent are summed up in five words. No punctuation or capitals are needed. I heard and felt the message. Whatever trace of doubt there might have been was erased by the bread experience that followed.
Whispers reminded me this morning that I wear a label. My label is not always easy to understand. When I repeat the label I give myself, I use more words. As the echo of my voice fades, I realise that my extra words do not always help. Life’s best is often summed up in a few words, with the best and most priceless experiences usually confined to one.
Understanding one’s label opens the door to learning and growth. Until I accepted “who” I was, I could not begin the journey to “who” I wanted to be. As difficult as the first step was, I discovered that the steps in my future were far more than I had imagined. Everything increased – intensity, understanding, challenge, and hope. In the process of benchmarking myself, I could see my flaws and weaknesses. Each opened a door that permissions change. I know the journey will take time, a lifetime. I understand that I will create mini-hells along the way. I also know that in caring, I can make a difference.
Getting my label right requires more than I have. For me, and I can only address myself, I need the support of Divinity and her children. There is good within me that can be developed further. Equally, there is junk that I need to let go of. I am encouraged by the promise that “He’s actively cleaning house, torching all that needs to burn, and he won’t quit until it’s all cleansed. God himself is Fire!” (Hebrews 12.29) I may not always enjoy the process even as I demand it be done.
Today, my label is – for the love of life.