The homemade onion and potato soup with cheese on toast was just what my body and heart needed. The soup had a subtle hint of curry. With modern twists, it still paid homage to my childhood. The simple combination was soothing, comforting, and filling. In my relaxed enjoyment, I could hear whispers of thanksgiving and empathy. Thanksgiving for the affordability and ability to create the meal. Empathy for those in the community and beyond who carry an ever-present hunger.
Blessings are everywhere in life. With each experience, I find my awareness growing for those struggling with life’s dark side. I realise that I am fortunate. Things so easily could be different. With the joy of a new dawn and its silence, I realise I have two invitations. The first is to reflect on every Divine gift with awareness, wonder, and thankfulness. The second is to use this as a calling to respond to the pain and angst that is here, especially for the powerless. It is completing the cycle of receiving and giving that I understand the Divinity’s sacrificial love and commitment to every one of her children.
Preparation creates more opportunities to care. With reflection and appreciation, I increase my readiness. With a heart filled with Divinity’s blessings, I have a cup ready to share with others. For me, it starts with my heart. With this, the following reminder kicks in: “Be ready with a meal or a bed when it’s needed. Why, some have extended hospitality to angels without ever knowing it!” (Hebrews 13.2). Each encounter, a delivery, a service call, or a chance encounter with someone struggling with life. There is no limit to the opportunities to draw from the well that is within each of us.
Blessing is a state of being, not an isolated act of receiving or giving. As I become more aware of the blessings all around me, I see how others are struggling with gaps that I can fill. Each moment is an opportunity to be blessed and to bless.
Enjoying life’s blessings, bite by bite.