There was more than enough to share. Rarely do I enjoy a slice alone. Pizza is best enjoyed when it is shared, with everyone experiencing their slice in her/his own way. The memories of the moment are made more so because the core is shared, while our history, tastes, and perspectives make each bite unique to the person. I sat alone with my thoughts, which lingered through the dawn that followed.
I share most of my life with others. Yes, my journey is unique. At the same time, I realise that my longings in life are the same as many others. We share the desire to belong, thirsts to know that we are accepted as we are, and the hope of becoming more than what is true today. The pizza speaks of my piece of life with an awareness of all the things that I share with others. I am born of the same cloth. My maker and yours are the same. While the threads have variations, we share far more than either of us realises.
Truth-filled compassion is created when I sit in another’s chair, walk in their steps, and understand their world view. It is easy to stand in judgment of another. In our differences, choices look easy. I discover their humanity when I experience their history and wrestle with them in their dark nights of the soul. In taking on the advice across the ages, “Regard prisoners as if you were in prison with them. Look on victims of abuse as if what happened to them had happened to you” (Hebrews 13.3), I discover the opportunity to experience what it is to be Divine.
Blessings multiply when shared. The miracle of our slices of life is that when shared, they grow. It is a miracle that naturally occurs and is one I often miss. With each gift of kindness I experience, a reserve within is filled. This reserve continues to grow with each act of kindness to another. Using my reserves for good is the way I keep the reserves alive and filled.