From the beach, the dhow at sail was a timeless image with a modern twist in the sail’s colours. With the breeze dominating, the down was silently moving. I was sure the boat’s construction and materials were as new as the design was ancient. I enjoyed the scene as I wondered how many old designs were hanging in my mind’s framework of life. I may have wrapped old ideas in modern words and illustrations, unable or unwilling to understand what was worth keeping and what I could leave behind.
Divinity’s model is consistent. Candidly, I was confused for a long time. With help from authors and Life’s whispers decomposing what I was experiencing, the consistency of Divinity’s framework slowly emerged. I discovered that the model was not about me. The model was for me. I was the one for whom the story was written. My forefathers were invited to participate in the hope of how the story would unfold. I am invited to participate in the story’s fulfilled ending. As confusing as I was, I find the reminders of the model encouraging, hope-filled, and energising.
Every model is contextual. Rarely have I discovered a model by starting with simple building blocks. When I discover an illustration, I begin visualising the building blocks that allow the story to come together. As they come into focus, the sometimes problematic nuances, details, and specifics of where I began fade into a story filled with insights and new awareness. The Biblical model is an example: “In the old system, the animals are killed and the bodies disposed of outside the camp. The blood is then brought inside to the altar as a sacrifice for sin.” (Hebrews 13.11) As difficult as the story begins, at its heart, I have found a story of love, sacrifice, and redemption.
Experience transcends time. The unconditional embrace of acceptance and belonging never gets old. When I permit being restored and recreated from the heart outwards, I experience healing. In my understanding of the old, I see the new. Everything is possible as I write today.