The nearby mall is organised and convenient. There are multiple entrances for parking, and the directions on how to get in and out are clear. The one caveat is the sheer size. To date, I have not been able to walk every floor. I have found a way in and out that works. I am confident I will find my way if I focus on the goal. I thought it was also true for others. However, the lost cart in the middle of the parking lot is evidence that this might not be the case for everyone. Abandoned, alone, and isolated, hopefully, someone will come to its rescue.
If not me, who? There was an irony in my question. While many cars were in this part of the lot, I was the only one present when I took the picture. A car pulled in just after the photo was taken, and another individual answered the call. I close my eyes and see lost opportunities. My memories reveal moments where kindness was missing and instances where care was needed. In each, I was strategically placed to fill the void. Not every gap was left unanswered. I know I made a difference. I also know I could do more.
Divinity is here for me. As alone as I felt at times, looking back, I see Divinity all around me. There is an old prayer that takes me to the darkest spots; “May God, who puts all things together, makes all things whole, who made a lasting mark through the sacrifice of Jesus, the sacrifice of blood that sealed the eternal covenant, who led Jesus, our Great Shepherd, up and alive from the dead,” (Hebrews 13.20) may this God be present in my life. I know and see how my enemies have surrounded me. On more careful review, I know I am right where Divinity needs me to be, surrounded by Her presence, armour, and care.
My actions are my call. Each moment comes with doorways. My comment is to care and make a difference for the good.