The elevator door was cold. Looking at it created a sense of blunt directness. Nothing fancy. Functional, to the point. I could wait patiently or express my emotions. The elevator would not care. More importantly, nothing would change. I knew that whatever my sentiment was, the elevator would operate by its settings and the outcome that followed.
Living is serious. I wake, appreciating the sacred responsibility I have been created with – to live as fully and thoroughly as possible. While there is room to interpret what this means, I know this is a serious mandate. To start with, it has been given to us by Divinity. We are infused with the desire and calling. At the end of my time, I believe that I will be judged on what I have done with it. The measure is not about being perfect and free of any errors. My calling, and the judgement of what I have done with it, is about living, growing, caring, and making a difference.
There is help. Across life and experiences and wisdom texts, a wealth of material is at my disposal to help inform and guide me. It is easy to admit that I have not always taken these seriously. Filtering and ignoring their insights and the learnings that follow is a familiar response. One writer left us with the following note: “Friends, please take what I’ve written most seriously. I’ve kept this as brief as possible; I haven’t piled on a lot of extras.” (Hebrews 13.22). Direct, to the point. Today, it took an elevator door to bring me back with an open heart and willing mind.
With freedom and consequences, doors are with us in every moment. As much as I love my freedom, I am struck by the consequences of my choices. What I feed my soul is echoed in the choices that follow. The care I take with my heart is revealed in the light or darkness that follows. Beyond myself, my words of freedom have the potential for hope.
Today is open and free; may goodness follow.