The wall of umbrellas was beautiful. I could suggest it served no real purpose. It was bling gathered, stockpiled over time, and displayed as an indulgence. In a place where umbrellas were useful to the point of being a required part of what one brought with them, the display was a luxury. As I enjoyed their colours, beauty, and sense of peace, I could hear Life’s whispers challenging me. If I was critical here, what about the bling in my life?
My bling and yours may look very different. When I read about the bling of others, I find myself laughing at the ridiculousness that I might do the same. As an example, one writer left us with a confession: “I piled up silver and gold, loot from kings and kingdoms. I gathered a chorus of singers to entertain me with song, and – most exquisite of all pleasures – voluptuous maidens for my bed.” (Ecclesiastes 2:8). Not relevant in my life! Even as I smiled at the craziness of the idea, I wondered about the items I stashed away for my entertainment, indulgence, and pride.
Bling invites one to look within and see oneself with openness and candour. My whispers took me to moments of new awareness and my decision to change. The specific changes do not matter in the greater story. With hindsight, I realised I began to focus on the storyline of my life. I wanted it to be about relationships, the journey we have shared, and the hope we brought to each other. I let go of what did not contribute to this narrative. I do not know what this looks like for anyone other than myself. Each is writing the book of their life and what went into living. We have opportunities to share the moments and chapters. For me, anything that distracts from this represents an opportunity to let go and focus on the heart of my story.
I love the umbrella beauty. What was initially bling turned out to be an invitation into the heart of the community.