Money buys for a lot of things. Even more than paying the bank so I can stay at home, more than utilities and the train ticket, and even more than food to put on the table; money buys access to areas, people, and behavior. The simple point is this. Activities, choices, and places that otherwise would be off-limits are accessible and available if you have the funds.
Want to drive fast? Just have the money to pay the economic price for your choice.
Want to go into the center of London during the day? Just have the money to pay for the congestion charge.
Want to do, go, and in general say whatever you want? If you can afford the price you are in!
Lose you job, often it is just about economics – not what you actually contribute. Cars of choice are all about economic power. The list goes on and then goes on some more. In times past you even paid for assurance of an after-life. Access to God came with a price. No matter what our those around us might say, with enough appeals to our pocketbook we carry a lingering doubt that whoever the Divine Being might be there will be a bill attached with access and relationship! Nothing is free. Nothing comes without an IOU chit attached to it. Happiness, pleasure, safety, comfort, assurance all carry a price tag that are accessible to those with deep pockets.
The God I know doesn’t even talk like that. There is no indication that my ability to give up things of economic value has any relevancy or importance to this Being. As a matter of documented fact, God goes on record to say that each of us have children of God. We are individually and corporately called to relationship without reservation or qualification beyond the fact that we are part of the human family. His statement about the Spirit Guide is simple and direct.
“Listen. Listen to the Wind Words, the Spirit blowing through the churches.” (Revelation 2.10)
Access to God is available to all!