I can best sum up my job responsibilities with one word, change. I am a change agent, a manager of change, or one who causes a different state to exist. In many ways, I am very good at my job; however, there are days during which I wonder if I really know what is going on.
Very few people I know actually lead change. They may encourage it, support it, and in rare circumstances, actually defend it, but they do not take the point. The reason is actually simple, it is not intuitive how change occurs within one’s self, much less with a group of people.
I know that to drive change requires a manager to do a minimal set of fundamentals. These include believing in the destination, articulating where and what the goal is in simple and clearly understood words, and consistently modeling the new behavior that will exist when change happens. These may sound simple, but how many times does the person suggesting a new way of doing something lack any creditability because of what he or she does or does not do? How many people have not idea of what the real purpose and goal of their group is? Is the destination clear? Is it noble and worthy of taking risks? Do you really want to get there with the people around you?
As I read and listen to God, I realize that real change occurs best when you practice the new model. If the leader models the goal it helps, but each person much try the experience on. When one tries the new way one creates an opportunity to believe in something first hand. Otherwise, change is nothing but words.
“Our Scriptures tell us that if you see your enemy hungry, go buy him a drink. Your generosity will surprise him with goodness.” (Romans 12.20) God is giving us a chance to experience what love, mercy, compassion, and unconditional acceptance really mean. Today is our opportunity to begin a process of change. His power, leadership, model and our choice are the difference.