There is a myth about what heaven will be like. Fairies sitting in a loose group; clouds nurturing their back-sides; and violins and music springing forth naturally and endlessly. Music forever! Peace, tranquility, and wonder abound! Every time I see one of these scenes I find myself rebelling against a picture that is nowhere to be found in God’s testimony. It just doesn’t exist!
Heaven is a lot of things but boring it is not. God is many things, some that I understand and a lot that I do not. The one thing that I can say for certain about God is that I have not found my God to be boring, remote, and idle. This God is engaged, emotional, and resolute. Action, decision taking, and response are linked to what defined this supreme and timeless being.
When I look at God and think of heaven, comprehending what I can and mystically confused by what I don’t, I find myself growing in fear, awe, and wonder. What type of God do I know that while fulfilling the role as ruler of the universe so vast that I cannot comprehend its breath and depth, is personally engaged in your life and mine? What possible value could we have to the Divine? Is there an end-game scenario that explains the underlying motives?
Examination shows, from every angle, that God paradigm and approach is as clear as it is mysterious. John recorded God’s words for us. Read and wonder.
“Don’t fear: I am First, I am Last, I’m Alive. I died, but I came to life, and my life is now forever. See these keys in my hand? They open and lock Death’s doors, they open and lock Hell’s gates.” (Revelation 1.17)
This is a God who is on a mission. The awesome fact is the uncertainty in the outcome is past – God has and will win! God is executing – for you and for me. No clouds in this picture! God is holding the keys to hell itself – dispensing compassion, love, and relationship to everyone willing to receive.