When you live on an island, you eventually need to. I stood on the edge of the island, counting the ways. The question for the future, knowing which way to go, is always challenging. Do I go left or right? Is now the time, or do I delay? Will there be challenges along the way?
In my reflection, it was clear that I should draw on the wisdom of someone already ahead of me. In a perfect world, I would look to the person at the finish line. Wisdom and guidance are available if I am open to the idea.
Life and Divinity offer to guide if one is willing to listen. The lessons are all around me. When I slow down enough to acknowledge that I could use the help, I hear and see insights and reminders coming from every direction. I realise friends are reaching out, offering insights for my consideration, and leaving challenges for me to wrestle with. There are endless opportunities every day to see more than I can see. Knowing this points me back to the challenge of being open to more.
With advocates in my life cheering and supporting me, I still need to be the one to act. Wisdom and insight are not the same as making a choice or deciding. I caught myself looking for someone else to do what only I could. In hindsight, it felt as if I was abdicating my responsibilities. Looking across the water affirmed a calling to be accountable and responsible for each step in my life. What follows is on my watch.
Relationships are never over and done. Long after we part, words, experiences, and silent conversation continue to influence my thoughts. I am richer for those who have been and are in my life. In recognising this, I understand how “Jesus (Divinity in all her forms], running on ahead of us, has taken up his permanent post as high priest for us, in the order of Melchizedek.” (Hebrews 6.20). One willing to guide, cheer, and support me in my next step.