Speed seems the unspoken mantra for all activities. At work, we talk about “kicking some butt”, “getting things in gear”, and “moving at web speed”. We are honest about our need for results, but an analysis of the actual pace of delivering results is not open for discussion. Our efforts are long on rhetoric and short on results. We want all due haste, but walk as if the task-at-hand is a journey of a lifetime! Over time, the lack of cohesive content in our words weakens our message, power, and example. Actions and externals matter; just ignore the true motives.
The opposite to our need for speed is the belief that we are on a slow, methodical journey of a thousand steps. As long as we are making progress things are ok. Focus is on what is due today and how people feel, never mind where we are, how we are moving, and where our destination appears to be.
With God, we oscillate between the two concepts. On one hand we want God to let us be perfect without effort or action, live life anyway we choose with the belief that everyone will end up in heaven, and go through life without a bump or hiccup. On the other, we want total freedom of choice, unfettered access to anything at anytime, and a barrier to all negative emotions that might roll up against us. With God, we want to be god.
With God –
we are “perfect” in his sight,
we can end up in heaven regardless of our behavior if we have faith in Him,
our relationship will always be constant, though life around us will be chaos,
we have constant and complete access to the keys of heaven,
we have a protector and comforter.
We have everything with God, but Evil does not want us to see or know. Our response must be clear and quick. “Run for dear life from evil; hold on for dear life to good.” (Romans 12.9) The time is now, before evil consumes you from the inside out!