Individuals in all walks of life often share a common characteristic; a gap between what s/he says and s/he does. Words reflect one dimension and thought framework, actions, choices, and decision another. There is little to tie them together! Exception cases can be found in great leaders. It is as if the connection between words and deeds leads to belief.
Recent events in several settings have reminded me how large the gap can be. Politicians lecture us about policies, laws, and rules. Even as the words fade the revelations that their actions tells of a very different path floods our senses. One wants to make sense of it all but the gap is too large. The rules and aspirations for us are different than it is for them.
Even as my criticism forms inside, I catch myself looking in the mirror. Even the history I will acknowledge and admit to confirms that the gap in my life is huge! While I can be critical of others, I need to acknowledge the gaps in my life. It appears that part of being human is aspiring to things that we fail to live up to.
I wonder if I am willing to let the scrutiny rest on my heroes. If so, will my allegiance to their ideals that have become my own change?
Life reminds me that the drift in my thoughts is missing the point. Will I deal with the gaps in my life? Will I respond to the Psalmist call? “Do for God what you said you’d do – he is, after all, your God. Let everyone in town bring offerings to the one who watches our every move.” (Psalm 76.11)
We live in a world of flawed heroes and limited understanding of our gods. If we are honest with ourselves, we know we see gaps and we wrestle with doubts. I suggest that dealing with one’s soul is a great starting point. My heroes are humble individuals acknowledging their weaknesses while reaching for great dreams. Pledging allegiance to the best ideals is a starting point.