Knowing who is on your side can be difficult. For a long time Whitney wasn’t sure if I was on her side or not. In fairness she was only five at the time and the “cause” of her doubt could be taken as minor but it was important to her. The cause was “tickling”. She was only the victim and she did not like it! Her simple conclusion was that if you were a tickler, especially a relentless or frequent one, then you were not on her side. I talking with her today I don’t think much has changed.
Finally, there was a moment in time when I got her point. I faced a choice. Did I know which (who’s) side I was on? Had I ready made a choice and was now just waiting for the truth to land? Were my actions making my choice for me?
With my choice came power because of two things. First, I established a formal truce. The truce was not conditional on anything that Whitney had control over. The truce was unconditional, unending, and unilateral. Secondly, my actions changed, new motives were established, and my standing with Whitney was different. In many ways the truce acknowledged that I had not been on the same side and now I was. All kinds of new relationship opportunities opened up. We were I team! I have treaded on the line of the truce many times but Whitney has taken the high ground (been merciful and gracious) and our relationship continues to grow.
I wonder which power in my life I have given my alignment. Do I realize that what alignment means. An institution chose to trust on human abilities and the result was that “the Dragon turned over its power to it, its throne and great authority.” (Revelation 13.2) I wonder if I am any different. Does my lust for power make me an ally? Am I overwhelmed by a thirst for gratification, focusing on self at the expense of everything else? Is judgment more important that mercy?
Who is my ally?