The journey has been challenging, long and even longer. Part of my wants to talk about the mountains and valleys that have already been traversed. The other side of me recognizes that the journey still continues! Everything that has already happened is the stage for the moment at hand. While I am hopeful about what is to come, I am under no illusion that everything will be smooth and downhill. Life has an interesting way of surprising everyone. It is as if the strong will be confronted by tests beyond them, the weak will be supported when they have reached their limits, and everyone ends up struggling.
As I think of one I love standing tall as history tells a story that seems impossible, I know Divine support has been and is present. There have been no continuity breaks or waivers. The support is not contingent on behaviors, gifts, or doing things in a particular manner. Support has been there because each is a child of Divinity. Divinity remembers. From one way of seeing it, it is “because he remembered his Covenant, his promise to Abraham, his servant.” (Psalm 105.42) From other perspectives, it comes from the heart of the character of Brahma, the soul of Allah, the Compassion and Light that lives within us, and even the Good that we aspire to in our disbelief of Divinity.
The example set, on both sides, revolve around an unconditional statement of love and giving followed by an embrace of acceptance and action. As amazing as Divinity is in all her forms, my love has done something that is an integral part of the miracle; seen the open arms of love and embraced the embrace.
To the Presence that is always there, thank-you! You have done what I could not. To the two that walk in this embrace, may you always know and love each other! There is a greater story yet to be written. I am hope filled with the dream of what can be. I look forward to continuing to be part of the journey.