I watched the two heads looking out and into the distance. They turned to the left and the right, taking it all in. They were seeing, absorbing, and experiencing everything in the moment. I could hear Life’s whispers reminding me of the days when everything was new for me! I was open, leaning in, trying to see and understand. As I think of being in the moment, the hat was a messenger reminding me of the task at hand: “Always Wonder.”
Wonder and curiosity are good friends to always have with you. Each is linked to the other. They open doors for larger conversations. The create new channels of communication. They are, for me, one of my best guardians against bias and judgement. When I start a conversation with genuine and supportive curiosity, the following conversations lean towards honesty, candour, and completeness. Individuals always reveal more than they intend. With wonder and curiosity, friendships develop and deepen. The combination is fuel for lasting and meaningful relationships.
Wonder leads to learning. The good news is that learning is the foundation for growth. The challenging reality is that knowing brings one into the inner chambers of one’s heart and soul. I find myself confronted by stuff I try to ignore. The old observation resonates in my experience. “Much learning earns you much trouble. The more you know, the more you hurt.” (Ecclesiastes 1:18). As painful as it might be, I love knowing because it gives me a chance to respond with compassion, kindness, and care. It is the first step in working with Divinity to begin healing myself. Once this is in play, helping others is next.
Wonder is my fuel for what comes next. I am curious! I want to know! Once a curiosity unfolds and becomes visible, it is time for more. I love the way curiosity and wonder never end. They are never satisfied. Each discovery is motivation for the next.
I have no idea what today will bring me. I do wonder, I am curious. I know it will be filled with awe.