My diary is filled with meetings. In the world we live in, most are virtual. In the ebbs and flows of a start-up, one faces a high probability of meeting at least one new individual each day. I am come to appreciate that my anticipation of the introduction and initial conversation is a sword with two sharp edges.
On one hand, the anticipation within creates a strong desire to be prepared, attentive, and on point. As I reflect on the encounters, I find my heart rate is slightly elevated. I have not found any spikes or extreme stress. Rather, the heart rate reminds me of a long run – pumped, working efficiently, and fully engaged. My senses are on edge – I do not want to miss any form of communication. I work to bring my A game. I strive to be prepared, flexible, and open to where the conversation might lead.
Post the call, I look for two debriefs. The first is a review of what occurred and an initial critique of the outcomes and affirmation about what comes next with colleagues. The second is more difficult. In a spirit of reflection, I retrace the steps with a critical review of my intent versus what occurred. I find an opportunity to learn and grow in every experience.
An unexpected outcome of my reflection is a growing awareness of my unconscious bias which seems to be a close friend of anticipation. While I could be comforted by the confirmations which affirm my bias, Life reminds me of how much is missed because I was not seeing, hearing, and sensing with an open heart.
The mantras I have come to embrace include the following.
Anticipate with joy. Live out the type of anticipation described by the psalmist; “Oh, I’ll make the place radiant for David! I’ll fill it with light for my anointed!” (Psalm 132.17). Approach each moment with an excited and passionate heart.
In preparation, check for bias. Experience reminds me that when I commit to opening my heart and mind to the moment, unimaginable opportunities emerge.