Water, especially dirty water, makes all potholes appear to be of equal depth.
The rain is pouring, wind is pushing people to the side, and water spots the walk. Winding one's way through the mess is tough and the choice of where to step brings immediate responses! Your feet are either dipping into the mucky waters of a pothole or they are making the fun splat sounds of childhood. There is little in between! I definitely prefer the splats; however, I often find it difficult to identify anything that will give me insight.
Everyday I face questions and problems that have no black or white answer. I cannot find a Bible quote to solve the dilemma. I have yet to find a textbook with a clear statement on the “appropriate” or wise way to solve the complex and messy questions. There is no option of not making a decision because that is a choice and action in itself. You and I must do something. However…what is the answer?
One of the things I learned in New York was street awareness. I do not think I ever got real good street smarts, however I did learn to watch, observe, be aware, and to avoid the big things that are obviously stupid. When we recognize danger, walking the streets, we take cautions and put our awareness skills on high. Does it stop there or can the approach continue right into the fullness of our journeys?
God offers us his Spirit to be with us at all times. Spending time in His presence starts a process of changing us from the inside out; which is another way of describing what happens when we invite the Spirit to be part of our inner self.
It may seem strange to start this process, however Solomon documents the results. “Good Sense will scout ahead for danger, Insight will keep an eye out for you. They'll keep you from making wrong turns, or following the bad directions of those who are lost themselves and can't tell a trail from a tumbleweed.” (Proverbs 2.11)