The bakery display caught my eye. In my mind’s eye, I was enjoying a fresh raisin scone with a hot drink. This one was especially good since it was fresh, light, and begging to be dunked. As a matter of priority, I also had a hot black coffee just waiting to be used. It was a dream worthy of indulgence.
Even as my imagination began to fill in gaps with smells, textures, and the senses, I could hear the whispers. What about the sugar? Where does refined flour fit in a healthy diet? No, the raisins do not give the scone enough fibre to be considered healthy. What about the joy this brings to my heart and soul?
As I remember the raisin scone with my coffee this morning, I find myself listening to Life’s guiding spirit.
It is never about the food; it is always about the heart. In the arguments made for and against this statement, Paul’s point is clear. “God’s kingdom isn’t a matter of what you put in your stomach, for goodness’ sake. It’s what God does with your life as he sets it right, puts it together, and completes it with joy.” (Romans 14.17). Starting at the centre, in what food enables one to do, is at the heart of how I will use my freedom today.
Food touches the body, heart, and mind. This is a connection to all three. In looking forward, I am not trying to avoid obstacles and barriers. I am striving to hear, respond, and act with the energy that food provides. When I consume food with love, the best outcomes are compassionate kindness and unconditional care.
As helpful as it is to let life infuse one heart and soul with joy, one chooses how s/he will see the moment at hand. As I let go of my emotions in the present, centre myself in Divinity’s embrace, and open myself up to the possibilities of what might be, anything is possible.
Today is an opportunity to share the gifts of food and support with each step.