The wall of yellow and black balls reminded me of a visual image of a computer address. With states of 0 and 1, one could count, see an instruction, or understand that state of where things are. I thought of my early days of learning IBM’s Assembler computer language and how it drew me into imagining what it would be like living within a mainframe machine. Null states were half-half, neither black nor yellow. Black could be zero. Yellow would then be one. It was fun to let my mind run back to the old visions and slowly count everything between then and now.
Life is an invitation to say yes. Opportunities and possibilities constantly bombard one’s mind. Priorities and values within can help one understand one’s options. Yet, they do not provide the answer to what one will choose. Initially, I thought my primary question was one of choice. What would I choose in this moment and context? Life reminds me that my initial question is different. Am I open and willing to see all that Life offers me?
In my rush to say yes, I missed a step. “Everything I wanted I took – I never said no to myself. I gave in to every impulse, held back nothing. I sucked the marrow of pleasure out of every task – my reward to myself for a hard day’s work!” (Ecclesiastes 2:10). Life gently reminds me that I often did not consider my destination. Hindsight leaves me with whispered reminders of lost opportunities and misplaced priorities. I am reaching out to embrace others more, let them know that I am cheering them on, and stand ready to support them how they want to be supported.
Each moment enriches the next. I am thankful for the memories, experiences, and outcomes etched across my heart and soul. Each step creates greater awareness and the potential for deeper understanding. Life continues to support me in ways I never imagined and yet received because I am a child of Divinity.
Today is a good time to play ball.