What is the basis for your actions? Do you know why you do things? Are the drivers of your life understood, chosen?
I wish I had sweet, cherubic answers to each question. Often the answer to the first is simple: I think it will make me happy. No I do not understand why I do things? Finally, I have no real sense or clue what drives my life!
There are moments of clarity, times where everything seems to appear through t he fog in crystal clear terms. I know things with certainty and confidence. I understand things through maturity and God dependence. I look to the future under the guidance and through the sight of God’s Presence. Then, why I do not know, I turn away or forget what has brought me this far, and I lose my foundation and sight.
I realized last night, as I talked about getting dressed with God (metaphor made sense to my audience) that I often do not spend complete sessions with God. I top up, get a drink, and then run on – worried that I will be missing something either I, or possibly God, want to do. On days when I spend the time wearing God’s armor and clothing for the day I understand who I am and what I am meant to be. The days I do not are always disasters of my own making! Nothing goes right and I know why – I am out there on my own, trying to do my own thing, in my own way, and in my own time, and through my own abilities.
The problem is that the drifting foundation does not stop with family or work. “I readily admit that the Jews [including me!] are impressively energetic regarding God – but they are doing everything exactly backwards.” (Romans 10.2)
Our lives are shaped by what we are designed to be – children of God’s. We can try to do anything and everything to satisfy our thirst but only God is the answer. Getting dressed with Him is the first step in today’s answer.