The traffic cone in the alley has been there and done that. It must have been easier to leave the marks of previous adventures from the tattered flags left than clean it up. In the darkness of the night, the streetlight made it seem like day. Given there was no rush, I stood still, letting stories and observations flow. I could see how it represented being there, doing that, an enduring witness to everything that it stood to protect, good and bad.
Others have walked our path. While they may not be identical, moments in each path mirror and replicate the other. I often think my emotions are unique, only to discover through dialogue that others have been there before me. In tragedy and celebration, fear and hope, uncertainty and confidence, resilience and resignation, we share the highs and lows of living. When I remember and embrace this, I find myself opening my heart and soul to their stories, lessons learned, and gifts of wisdom. It is the realisation of a writer’s observation long ago; “We don’t have a priest who is out of touch with our reality. He’s been through weakness and testing, experienced it all – all but the sin.” (Hebrews 4.15)
Others are willing to be part of our lives. A friend spoke of how difficult it was to open himself up to others. I could feel his pain and sense of loss amplified by well-meaning views and advice. Metaphorically, we sat together in the mud. I listened with empathy and compassion. I did not sense he was looking for advice or direction, so I listened. It was an evening of friendship that left me filled with a sense of hope and more.
I need wisdom and friendship more than I do solutions. I am accountable for my words and decisions. I find that I need to reflect, use the insights to refine the values and priorities within my heart and soul, and be intentional in the moment. Wisdom and friendship accelerate my ability to learn, grow, and act. Solutions rarely do.