Belief is an interest attribute. When you have it, you find yourself doing things you otherwise would not even consider possible. As you believe in your team, you are willing to give everything for the cause. When you carry belief, sacrifice, taking risks, and dedication are willingly given without consideration for what comes later. I often hear words that say belief, yet without the actions that follow it is easy to discern rhetoric from an attribute held within.
We all believe in something. Often our belief reflects the god/God we hold tightly within. For many, the belief centers are self. I am not demeaning this god. I am merely pointing out that it is a reality for many, including my soul at times, in their lives. We worship and sacrifice all for the glory and honor of our soul. We intensely defend our honor. We struggle, strive, and often succeed in achieving the impossible.
As the dawn slowly emerges, I find myself wondering if I understand what I believe. I know the answer should be obvious. I also know that my actions, especially when nobody is watching, tell me far more than rhetoric or persona. The reality of the journey is often hard to accept. I aspire to be much more than I am. As much as I think I am alone, experience suggests that there are many sharing my journey.
I know my hopes would tell a different story. Ideally, I would be a true believer, willing to risk all for Divinity's cause. I would part of that team that “ even carried the sick out into the streets and laid them on stretchers and bedrolls, hoping they would be touched by Peter's shadow when he walked by.” (Acts 5.15) The incredible part of the story that is easy to forget is that God understand my hopes and dreams. God knows my failings, often in far more detail than I am willing to see or understand. God knows, understands, and still calls you and me one of Divinity's own. Even in our struggles, God believes.
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