I can vividly remember my early lessons in the birds and the bees. The mystery of human interaction, relationship, and sexuality slowly unfolded, in many ways similar to a sleek butterfly emerging from the origins of the bulky caterpillar. I thought I had the facts straight! I had it all figured out. Sure, I knew that I had no clue about the inner thoughts of the opposite sex, but who did? Hormones, youthful confidence, and the arrogance of sterile data set the course.
Almost a decade later, my confidence continued cushioned by a marriage with a relationship that continued to grow. On 26 May 1986 every fact, confidence, and understanding evaporated with the birth of my first daughter. Even as late as nine o’clock that morning, I thought I understood the process and outcome. By one-thirty that afternoon, I knew I was clueless.
Around one-fifteen on a bright sunny day in San Francisco, I discovered the truth in my actions. Actions and love came to life! All knowledge dissolved into an unknowing and beautiful future. Predictability became unlimited possibilities!
Often I think I understand how the process with God works. The facts are clear. Our faith in God saves us, nothing else. God accepts us just as we are, but will not leave us that way. Living in relationship with God is heaven on earth. The process is simple and straightforward. Do we all know this to be true? No.
Emotions, experiences, and training all get in the way. We think we know God is a long ways away. We believe God is distant. We listen and are sure that He is silent.
Walk with God and see what happens! It is just a shocking as birth is to new parents. It is hard, but “just think of all the scriptures that will come true in what we do!” (Romans 15.9) God will talk with you, in fact he already is. God will restore you to your true design; he is working on it as we speak. A new birth is yours when you say yes.