I frequently meet people that think they are in a different boat than I am in. At times the attitude is one of superiority, condescension, and aloofness, other times is one of self-pity or a put-down. Either way the statement is clear that I cannot understand their problem(s) or am not living in the real world (i.e. theirs!). The idea that the world is full of different classes of people is both compelling and revolting to contemplate or accept as reality.
As critical as I am of others I find good friends giving me the same feedback! I wish I could defend myself and say it was never true, but often the remark is accurate. My implied statements are visible through the words I use to describe events and human relationships in action, how I react to views or approaches that are different from my own, and how I respond to others who are facing personal challenges. My value statements come through more clearly to others than I am willing to see and understand myself, especially when I look at life holistically.
Do I see others through the eyes of God? Are we truly equal in all ways? Do I believe that we stand in the same clothing before God? Am I willing be an extension for God in their lives? Are there any limits or barriers that I cannot or will not cross?
I firmly believe we are all in the same boat. I believe will equal conviction that there is only one “deck” on this boat. You, I, and everyone else stand on the same footing before God and the universe! We stand there just as Abraham, and others have stood there, in faith. There is more as well. “It means further that Abraham is father of all people who embrace what God does for them while they are still on the “outs” with God, as yet unidentified as God’s, in an “uncircumcised” condition.” (Romans 4.12)
We are not on the outs; we are all members of Abraham’s family and chosen people of God.