Some know that I, on occasion, exaggerate. I always deny that the description or story is anything but a factual record, yet it is hard to deny that the story does come from a perspective that may seem a touch beyond the one experienced by the other witnesses. This is, by way of avoidance and use of far too many words, an acknowledgement on my part that I, on occasion, describe the intensity and depth of what I see.
I do find it hard to admit that I cannot do it all. My vision should be limitless. My hearing could be perfect. My insights and memories are, with no doubts, flawless. Each assumption is a fictional foundation I want to believe. I want to hold onto these perspectives in a way that nurtures my ego, builds my confidence, and gives me hope. I am, frequently, full of my own soul. I forget that there isn’t anything there!
I’m not the first to fall into this trap. When I read another’s words, “I dug wells and drank my fill. I emptied the famous rivers of Egypt with one kick of my foot.” (Isaiah 37.25) I know bravado is in full swing! There is no factual substance to these words. There is no hope within. There is no lasting power.
We have a decision to make. Will we, you and I, build our lives on the myths of our own creation or rely on something different? Can we break free? Is it possible to let go?
The option I suggest is simply this. Let God define your worth and mine. Let God define your mission and mine. Let God be our Hope.
The difference is staggering. My actions do not bring hope; they talk about Hope. My failures are just that. Hope is greater than anything I imagine, so I keep expanding my imagination. Hope is wonderful, amazing, and beautiful, so I keep seeking a clearer view. Hope is strong, enduring, and present, so I will be just as I am. I know Hope loves me, you too.
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