I wish I could say that I knew I was making the smartest decision of my life. If only I could remember the decision process that would give me the strongest and most consistent foundation point in my life for two decades and counting. Hindsight is a wonderful thing; yet the one item that I would do differently is to try and remember every detail of the process. I want to recall every smile, each act of kindness, and the moments of insight and understanding that told me in very clear terms that this was the partner I had always looked for.
I hesitate to put words in Cherry’s mouth; but there are no pauses in my mind about the role she holds in my history. The failures and weaknesses are mine, legacies of my self-god that I refuse to let go. If there are any characteristics in my life that others find admirable the credit goes to God and Cherry. I thank God for giving each of us the ability to act and create in his image. And I know that Cherry modeled and continues to demonstrate many of those abilities in my life when I most desperately search for God.
Looking back I see a brilliant decision. I cannot imagine my life without her and the journey we have shared together. Yes, I know the path has not always been smooth however I do believe the path has been richer because of the union. I can see decisions causing pain; I also see choices that have brought life, happiness, and new creations.
Solomon advises us that if you “find a good spouse, you find a good life – and even more; the favor of God!” (Proverbs 18.23) My experience is evidence that this proverb is true. It is possible to make it on your own, just much harder.
Today is a fresh opportunity to make a difference. The Son is bright; gifts of love and mercy are there for our receiving. You and I can be the evidence of God’s compassion and engagement in life.